In the shadow of dystopian ruin, the Church of Novus Dei promises salvation by using the AperiLens, an eye implant technology that veils tyranny as enlightenment. Lola, Lucifer Vanthorn codenamed  P!x@lP^nk, is a rebel with a cause, tangled in a web of espionage spun by the hacker collective known as The Synth_Haxx Underground, which is led by her lover Johnny. Her mission is: to dismantle the Church's regime, and also solve the mystery of her parents' shrouded disappearance. Straddling the line between the Underground’s fervor and the Church's seductive order, Lola’s journey is a razor's edge walk between rebellion and surrender indoctrination. As she peels back the Church's Seven Veils, she exposes a level of corruption that could shatter the city or bind it tighter in chains. "Chaos of Lucifer" is a cyber noir graphic novel concerned with technology, power, and the search for truth in the city,  where every choice is either a step toward freedom or a descent into oppression. Will Lola become the city's liberating force or the final instrument of its subjugation? Her choices will define the future at the dawn of a new, uncertain world order.


"The Secret Lives of Demon Hunters" Written By: Michael Barron


Ladybird Jenkins and the Time Thieves