The Quest of Today's Mission: Aug. 8th 2024

Directed by Ladybird Jenkins

Welcome to another exciting session at The Hive Game Club!

Although I can't be with you today, Ladybird Jenkins has sent a special mission for you all.

Are you ready to dive into the world of adventure and creativity? Here's your quest for today:

Mission Overview

Objective: Embark on a journey to develop your characters and create an epic story together.

Setting the Scene:

In the heart of the mystical land of Eldoria, a powerful artifact known as the Crystal of Unity has been stolen.

This crystal is the source of harmony and peace across the realms.

Without it, chaos threatens to unravel the world as we know it.

Your Quest

Ladybird Jenkins has entrusted you, a group of brave adventurers, to retrieve the Crystal of Unity.

Each of you possesses unique talents and skills essential for this mission.

The fate of Eldoria lies in your hands!

Steps to Success

  1. Character Development: ( you did this last month)

    • Choose your character or create a new one using the character sheet provided.

    • Think about your character's strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. What drives them to join this quest?

  2. Team Introduction: ( you did this last month)

    • Introduce your character to the team, sharing their backstory and unique traits.

    • Discuss how your character's skills can contribute to the success of the mission.

  3. Plot Building:

    • As a group, brainstorm the journey to retrieve the Crystal of Unity.

    • Consider the challenges, allies, and adversaries you might encounter along the way.

  4. Create Scenes:

    • Divide into smaller teams and develop specific scenes or encounters within the story.

    • Focus on character interactions, problem-solving, and building tension.

  5. Share and Collaborate:

    • Present your scenes to the rest of the group.

    • Offer feedback and suggestions to enhance the story and character dynamics.

  6. Reflect on the Journey:

    • Discuss what you've learned about storytelling and character development.

    • Consider how the adventure might continue in future sessions.

Final Thoughts

Remember, this mission is not just about reaching the destination but enjoying the journey together.

Let your imagination soar, and don't be afraid to explore unexpected twists and turns.

I look forward to hearing about your epic adventure when I'm back!

May the spirit of creativity guide you!

Setting the Scene: Mad Libs Edition

In the heart of the mystical land of (adjective) (fantasy place name), a powerful artifact known as the (noun) of (abstract noun) has been (verb, past tense).

This (adjective) artifact is the source of (noun) and (noun) across the realms. Without it, (abstract noun) threatens to unravel the world as we know it.


  1. Adjective: A word that describes something (e.g., mysterious, ancient).

  2. Fantasy Place Name: Invent a name for a mystical location.

  3. Noun: A person, place, or thing (e.g., jewel, orb).

  4. Abstract Noun: An idea, quality, or state (e.g., peace, harmony).

  5. Verb (past tense): An action word that happened in the past (e.g., taken, vanished).

  6. Adjective: Another descriptive word (e.g., powerful, legendary).

  7. Noun: Another person, place, or thing.

  8. Abstract Noun: Another idea, quality, or state.


In the heart of the mystical land of Enchanted Glade, a powerful artifact known as the Gem of Balance has been stolen.

This sacred artifact is the source of harmony and peace across the realms. Without it, chaos threatens to unravel the world as we know it.

Collaborative Plot Development:

  • Using one or more story seeds, ask the group to collaboratively build a plot. Use the whiteboard to jot down ideas.

  • Guide them to think about:

    • Setting: Where is the story taking place?

    • Conflict: What challenges do the characters face?

    • Resolution: How might the characters solve the problem?

  1. Scene Building:

    • Break the group into smaller teams if possible, and ask each team to develop a scene from the story. Encourage them to focus on dialogue and action that highlight their characters’ traits and dynamics.

  2. Sharing and Feedback:

    • Have each group share their scene with everyone.

    • Encourage positive feedback and suggestions on how characters could interact differently or how the plot might twist.

Tips for Success:

  • Encourage creativity and open discussion. There are no wrong answers!

  • Use the dice for random events (e.g., if someone rolls a 1, a surprise obstacle appears).

  • Allow time for each person to express their ideas and ensure everyone feels heard.

This activity not only encourages character development but also helps build teamwork and communication skills. Let me know if you need any additional ideas or materials!

Character Voices

Encourage participants to speak in character during discussions. This can add a fun and immersive element to the activity, allowing everyone to explore their character's personality and traits more deeply. Whether it's adopting an accent, changing your tone, or using unique phrases, speaking in character can bring the story to life and make the experience more memorable.

A Message from Ladybird Jenkins

Greetings, brave adventurers!

I am truly impressed by the creativity and courage you have shown today. Your dedication to crafting stories and developing characters is a testament to the incredible power of imagination. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, and each step you take brings you closer to becoming master storytellers.

As you continue your adventures, keep in mind that every challenge is an opportunity to grow, and every ally you meet can become a lifelong friend. The world of storytelling is vast and full of wonders, waiting for you to explore.

Carry on with your quest, knowing that your stories have the power to inspire and captivate. Until we meet again, may your creativity never falter and your imagination soar.

With admiration and encouragement,

Ladybird Jenkins


World Building Checklist