~Innocence~ 2011

The sun’s rays danced warmly against Nikale’s skin as she nestled closer into her brother’s embrace. Eric could feel Nikale’s hair tickling the underside of his nose, but he didn’t move. The sky was a bewitching shade of blue, and the clouds drifted lazily across it, as if performing just for them. Time seemed to stand still. Their mother had been dead for two years today, and though it was hard for them, the world was moving on—and so should they.

Over the past few years, the twins had grown even closer, which seemed impossible given their already inseparable bond. Their thoughts were entwined, their minds working as one, like a fluid river forging its own path through a canyon.

People were always trying to separate them, encouraging them to pursue different activities. Eric was studying how to fight and fulfill his royal duties, while Nikale was learning the proper way to wear her hair and entertain noblemen. They had turned fifteen last week. The celebration had been a success—lavish gifts, fine food, and divine dancing. But despite the grandeur, Nikale found the world around her increasingly dull. She wanted more—needed more—though she wasn’t sure what "more" was.

She was transforming into a woman, her figure blossoming beneath her gowns. Her long, glossy hair fell in waves down her back, dark like her mother’s, though not quite jet black. Whatever shade it was, it matched her eyes flawlessly—dark as the night, filled with the naivety and yearning for life that only youth can bring. Her slender fingers made the grueling hours of piano practice slightly more bearable.

“Men love to be delighted by hidden talents, Nikale,” her mother would say whenever Nikale complained about practicing. She would think back to the time she had climbed a tree during Lord Hull’s visit to the castle. She had impressed the young prince Jallon that day—perhaps that was the kind of talent her mother meant. Yes, it must have been.

She still climbed trees, of course, though now she ventured further from the courtyard to avoid being scolded for such unladylike behavior.

Eric stretched out his arms, causing Nikale’s head to thud gently against the ground.

“Hey, watch it!” Nikale said, sitting up and supporting herself on her elbows. She watched as he leapt to his feet with the nimbleness that always amazed her. Shielding her eyes from the sun, she admired how his hair, the same shade as hers, caught the light. His sun-kissed skin made him look even more handsome than a fifteen-year-old ought to be. Eric knew he was easy on the eyes and flirted shamelessly with the young maidens whenever he could. The queen used to say he had a gilded tongue, one that would either win him a rose or earn him a scratch from the thorns.

Nikale was certain there would never be a girl good enough for him. He was clever and captivating, and she cherished the time they spent together, knowing he did too. But it couldn’t last forever—different paths were tugging at them, pulling them in opposite directions.

She watched him for a while longer, then rolled back onto the grass, letting her gaze drift to the clouds strolling by. “Let’s travel somewhere,” Nikale said dreamily.

“Where?” Eric’s steps faltered slightly as he spoke. Nikale turned onto her belly and looked up at him, "Let’s go into the Glades today and visit Wynter. I haven’t seen her in so long," she said, plucking lazily at the grass. "And I know you fancy her." She caught the rye smile that crept across his face out of the corner of her eye.

“I could use a break from the castle for a while,” he replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Nikale clapped her hands together and giggled with delight, making Eric’s smile widen. He loved making his sister happy.

“We’ll have to clear it with Father first,” Eric said in a low voice. Nikale groaned and let her hands glide over the tall grass. “Let me deal with Father. You know I can always get a ‘yes’ out of him,” she said, grinning. "Come on, help me up." Nikale reached her arms toward the sky. "These corsets they make me wear are torturous."

Eric turned and eyed her playfully. “Ah, but they do make you look exceptionally lovely, my dear.” As she stood, he kissed her hand gently and flashed her a clever smile.

It took two days to persuade the king to let them go without a traveling companion, and another full day of Nikale’s begging to secure permission to go on horseback rather than in a carriage. They had to cross through the Forest of Aurnan to reach the Fiariel Glades, and then ride another half-day to Wynter's estate. The journey would take roughly two and a half days. It wasn’t a terrible journey—beautiful, actually. Daunting on horseback, even for most adults, but the cockiness of adolescence made them feel invincible.

How dreadfully wrong they were.


The Crow and the Butterfly: 2024


~Shattered~ 2011